Training material for nurse midwives
Role of nurse-midwives in providing safe abortion services: a practical guide (in hindi) (Surakshit garbhsamapan sevaon mein nurse prasavika ki bhumika: Vyavharik margdarshika)
Taking into consideration our experience of providing safe abortion services in an interior rural area of southern Rajasthan, we have adapted international and national guidelines to develop a manual for nurse-midwives helping doctors to provide safe abortion services. The manual can be used by ANMs and GNMs working in facilities like PHCs, CHCs, district hospitals and private hospitals. The manual includes sections on counseling the woman, preparing instruments and assisting the doctor during the procedure, maintaining proper records, conducting post-procedure follow-up/ post-abortion contraception, being alert to signs of possible violence being faced by the woman etc.
Cost of publication: Rs. 60/- (postage extra)
Skilled care for maternal-neonatal health: practical manual for nurse-midwives (in hindi) (Matra-navjaat shishu swasthya hetu kushal dekh bhaal: Nurse prasavikaon ke liye vyhavahrik margdarshika)
This manual provides practical guidance for skilled maternal and neonatal health care, in Hindi, for use by professionally qualified nurse-midwives working in a primary health situation. This is meant to back up practical pre-service and/or in-service training. It has been based on WHO guidelines (e.g. IMPAC and others), SNL guidelines and GOI guidelines, adapted on the basis of ARTH’s several years of service provision.
Cost of publication: Rs. 175/- (postal charges extra)]
Skilled care for maternal-neonatal health: facilitators’ guide for trainers of nurse-midwives (in hindi) (Matra-navjaat shishu swasthya hetu kushal dekh bhaal: Prashikshakon ke liye vyhavahrik margdarshika)
This is a trainers’ manual to facilitate the training of nurse midwives on maternal neonatal care using the above manual. It uses participatory techniques, including case studies, exercises, and mannequins and helps trainees to refine their clinical and decision making skills for delivering maternal neonatal health care.
Cost of publication: Rs. 230/- (postal charges extra)
Breast and pelvic examination: guide book for nurse midwives (in hindi) (Stan va Prajanan Angon ki Jaanch: Nurse prasavikaon ke liye margdarshika)
This book has been developed for strengthening the clinical skills of nurse midwives and other health providers to perform pelvic and breast examination in primary health setting.
Cost of publication: Rs. 40/- (postal charges extra)
Infection prevention and control: guide book for nurse midwives (in hindi) (Sankraman se bachav evum niyantran: nurse prasavikaon ke liye margdarshika)
This book provides vital information on preventing and controlling infections during service delivery for maternal and neonatal health care. Methods of disinfecting instruments and proper waste disposal mechanism have also been discussed.
Cost of publication: Rs. 40/- (postal charges extra)