Educational material for village health workers
ARTH has developed pictorial material for village level health workers. This material can also be used for training of ASHAs. The educational booklets have been developed on following topics:
A. Antenatal care, safe delivery and postnatal care
Pictorial booklet for educating rural families about pregnancy, child birth and postpartum maternal and newborn care (in hindi)(Garbhavasta, prasav mein va prasavoprant dekhbhaal: Ashaon va grameen swasthya karyakartaon hetu margdarshika). This flip book can be used by health care providers and community health educators like ANMs, anaganwadi workers and ASHAs to educate families about care during pregnancy and delivery and after delivery, including care of the newborn, danger signs and when to seek referral care.
B. Newborn care
Pictorial booklet showing “Neonatal Care Practices” (in hindi) (Grameen swasthya karyakartaon hetu margdarshika Bhaag 1: Navjat Shishu Dekhbhaal). It can be used by low literate village level workers to give information to the community.
Cost of publication: Rs. 60/- (postal charges extra)
C. Malaria, TB, first-aid
Pictorial booklet with detailed information on Malaria, TB and First-Aid (in hindi )(Grameen swasthya karyakartaon hetu margdarshika Bhaag 2: Malaria, TB Va Prathmik Upchaar). It gives information on prevention, treatment and care of malaria and TB as well as care during fever, sun stroke, snake-bite etc. The booklet can be used by low literate village level workers to give information to the community.
Cost of publication: Rs. 60/- (postal charges extra)
D. Infertility and problems of ageing women
Pictorial booklet giving detailed information on infertility and problems of ageing women (in hindi) (Grameen swasthya karyakartaon hetu margdarshika Bhaag3: Santaanheenta va Badti Umra mein Mahilaon ko Hone Wali Samasyaen). It explains the causes and management of infertility in both men and women. Problems that women may experience with ageing have also been dealt with in this booklet. The booklet can be used below literate village level workers to give information to the community.
Cost of publication: Rs. 60/- (postal charges extra)
Set of above three booklets is priced at Rs.150/-(postal charges extra)
E. Adolescent health
Pictorial booklet giving detailed information about adolescent girls’ health needs (in hindi) (Grameen swasthya karyakartaon hetu margdarshika Bhaag 4:.Kishoriyon ke liye Jeevan Kaushal). It discusses growing-up issues among adolescent girls. There are 23 chapters on issues like menstruation, relationships, nutrition, career etc. The booklet can be used bylow literate village level health workers to give information to the community.
Cost of publication: Rs. 100/- (postal charges extra)
Set of above four booklets is priced at Rs.250/-(postal charges extra)
F. Contraception, safe abortion and emergency contraception
Pictorial booklet giving information about contraception, safe abortion and emergency contraception (in hindi) (Grameen swasthya karyakartaon va ashaon hetu margdarshika Bhaag 5: Garbhdharan ki yojana banayein). It can be used by village health workers/ASHAs to inform the community about contraceptives, pregnancy testing, emergency contraception and safe abortion services.
Cost of publication: Rs. 30/- (postal charges extra
Set of above five booklets is priced at Rs. 280/-(postal charges extra)
G. Family planning information for men
A takeaway booklet, “Ek Samajhdar Pati Ke Liye: Ek Choti si Kitab“, directed towards men. It gives information aboutcontraception, pregnancy testing, emergency contraception and safe abortion services. This small pocket size booklet can be distributed to people in the community.
Cost of publication Rs.10 (postal charges extra)
H. The ten year copper-T: Booklet answering frequently asked questions on Copper-T 380A (in hindi) Jeevan Ke Mahetvapurna Nirnaya Ab Apke Haton Mein…Dus Saal Ki Copper-T
Booklet giving information about the ten year copper-T in an interactive manner.
I. Child Care Practices
Caring for Children’s Health: a guidebook for families (in hindi) (Bacchon ke swaasthya ki dekhbhaal: parivaar hetu margdarshika)
This guidebook can be used by village health workers to educate families on caring for children’s health.