As World Population Day, 11 July 2019 neared, the team at ARTH realized that over 1000 women from villages of southern Rajasthan had adopted levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG IUS) as a long term reversible contraceptive. ARTH has branded the service as “Mukti” and has offered the option through its clinics since August 2015 at a nominal price of Rs 499 (Rs 299 for tribal women). The same contraceptive costs Rs 5000 – 10,000 in the private health care market, and it is not available in the government system. Almost 88% of the 1116 women adopting LNG IUS already had 2 or more children, not surprisingly, 83% did not want any more children. They however chose to pay Rs 300 – 500 for a 5 year reversible contraceptive, in preference to free or incentive-laden sterilization services. What is so special about LNG IUS? It is an intrauterine device that contains no copper and works for 5 years, releasing 20 microgrammes of LNG hormone every 24 hours. This tiny quantity of hormone prevents pregnancy with a failure rate of 01-0.4% (lower than that for sterilization), significantly reduces mentrual bleeding (by 90% in one year) and hence prevents anemia, all this without side effects like cramping or excess bleeding that sometimes occurs with the Copper-T intrauterine device. To know more ARTH’s experience in introducing LNG IUS to poor rural-tribal women, click here.